Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Day 2: A Hard Lesson in Holiness

"Those who share in the privilege of being nearest to God must also bear the awesome responsibility of exemplifying His holiness through obedience."

Now, before you start thinking this is not talking about you, STOP!! Because, sure enough, it is! If you have chosen to follow Christ, then you are near God, and in many cases nearer to Him than most others around you! If you come into contact at all with nonbelievers, then this applies to YOU! In fact, this applies amongst believers as well....

I really like that statement that Beth Moore made. It is true. We have the responsibility of representing Christ to everyone! Whether it is to a nonbeliever who knows nothing of Christ or to another believer who is less mature in the faith. We all have this responsibility to some extent!! It must never be taken lightly!

At the same time, before you go and get overwhelmed with this responsibility, remember that Christ does this in us and through us! It is by His sacrifice that we are able to draw near to God. He is doing this for us, through us, in us..... Our worship--a fragrant offering to God--would not be possible without the atonement Christ made for us. Just like the picture of the Tabernacle, the way the altars were positioned. "Until someone had experienced atonement at the first altar, he could not offer the fragrant incense of prayer, praise, and worship at the second because there would be no intercessor!" How much more meaning do Jesus' words have now that we know this, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6

Jesus is the way to the Father, He is the truth--a foundation our lives are built on, and He is the life--eternal life!! In the book of John, as Beth Moore pointed out, the word truth means unveiled reality. Isn't it awesome to think of Jesus as God's unveiled reality. God in the flesh = Jesus = unveiled reality! It was always TRUE, and yet hidden. But truth is now unveiled in Christ!!

It is also important to talk about the "unauthorized fire" that was given. To be honest, it sounded a bit careless to me, as well as having little respect or reverence for what was being done! I do think it's important for us to remember who it is we serve and worship! It is the Creator and One True Living God who is "over all and through all and in all" (Ephesians 4:6). We must not be careless or too soon forget the holiness of God and all that He deserves from us! And yet, Jesus Christ did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking on the very nature of a servant.... (Philippians 2:6-7). What an absolutely amazing God we serve!

What fuels your personal expression of worship? Is it truly more about God than yourself? Can you sense when God is pleased with your worship, and if so, how? How do you think the aspect of sacrifice plays into our worship?


Sarah said...

There was a lot to take in with today's study. I read a few parts over and over. One paragraph really stuck out to me.

"Spiritual worhsip comes from our very core and is fueled by an awesome reverence and desire for God. Spiritual worship is focusing all we are on all He is, both personally and universally. It is the incomparable expression of both awe and affection for God. And it is one of the highest privileges we can experience on this earth."

One of the HIGHEST privileges we can experience on this earth! How awesome is that!!!

What fuels my personal expression of worship? I have to say lifting him up in song! It can be any song from "The Old Rugged Cross", to a song from Casting Crowns. Any and All!!

Then you had to ask, Sara, is it truly about God or yourself. There was a time where I really struggled with this. I have grown up singing in the church since I was a kid. I used to make it all about me. It wasn't until God opened my eyes that he gaved me this gift. I still get extremely nervous, and then I have to tell myself, "Hey this isn't about me, this is about something much bigger - this is about God."

Can I sense when God is pleased with my worship? All I can say to this is that there are times when I'm standing in church and singing. Sometimes I just stand there and close my eyes and listen. It is moments like these that I am so completely filled by him that it's unbelievable and every time I am brought to tears. It is times like this where I feel the flood gates open, and I'm allowing him into my every being!
This is the best that I can explain it because when it happens I'm at a loss for words. Just by writing about it give me a frog in my throught. I long to feel that way all the time - why do I let it escape me?

Ladies In Christ said...

sarah, i totally know what you mean about being nervous and it all coming back on me instead of realizing what i'm really doing all this for! i love to sing too:) however, i feel that God is really leading me into new areas as far as what He has for me in the Kingdom. this makes me incredibly nervous! i don't think being nervous is a bad thing necessarily--hopefully it helps us to rely on Him more! however, i do see where i need to be more focused on Him and what He is doing through me!! it's not about me, and i certainly couldn't do ANY of it without Him!! He will provide!! when He calls us to something, He will provide all we need to accomplish it!!!... i struggle with trusting Him in this sometimes... also, i feel the outcome of what He calls me to needs to be a certain way, when He knows best in that as well!! i don't need to worry what others think or how it seems something has turned out--whether singing a song or anything else! it's about what God is doing IN me, through me and for the Kingdom!! i may never know the extent to which He ministers to others through me (and it's probably better that way!) i just need to trust that His ways are best, and all i need to do is be faithful....

Ladies In Christ said...

i just realized i'm still logged in as "ladies in Christ." it's "sara" actually!:)