Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Woman's Heart - God's Dwelling Place

Have you ever wanted to take part in a bible study only to find that the time and place weren't convenient or childcare was an issue? Or maybe you just plain don't have room in your schedule right now to get together and actually meet with a group of people? Well, we want to try something that's a little different than what you might expect when you think of typical bible study. We want to use this blog as a means to bring women together who might not have time to meet in a regular bible study but still want to be part of one.

We would love for you to join us on our journey to grow a deeper relationship with God through studying His Word together!

Here's how it will work:

The study we will be doing is Beth Moore's A Woman's Heart - God's Dwelling Place. You can order the book here or here. There are five days of homework for each week that you will complete on your own throughout the week. Once a week (probably on Friday or Saturday), we will put a post up with reflections, thoughts, and additional questions regarding that specific week on the blog. We're hoping to use the comment section of the post as sort of a discussion forum where you can interact with the other ladies doing the study. Please feel free to join in the discussion even if you decide not to purchase a book!

Just a side note: We won't be using the video portion with this study, but if you feel you'd still like to view the videos in addition to your workbook study, you can purchase them to watch on your own here for $4.99.

It's a ten week study. Our target start date is September 15th which would put our end date at November 22nd. Sometime prior to the 15th, please let us know in the comments section at the bottom of this post or even by e-mail if you plan on doing the study with us. If you have any additional questions regarding the study that haven't been covered here, please feel free to leave those in the the comments or by e-mail as well.

We are so excited to begin delving into God's Word!