Thursday, October 23, 2008

Day 4: The Gift of Support

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Was anyone else crying by the end of today's study??..... The story of the mother who shared her struggles and then became victorious through it all was amazing! It's SO true! If she had borne that burden all alone, do you think she would have been victorious?

Today's study reiterated that our God is a God of community! He has created us to be communal--to commune with Him and with each other. It's a little out of our comfort zones, in a sense. Oh sure, some of us love fellowship and being with people! I, for one, gain energy when I'm around people. I love people! However, there is a difference in hanging out with people and in supporting each other. If we're going to support each other, build each other up, help one another, then we have to know each other! We have to be in each other's lives, having the same mind and goals in Christ! That is how Moses, Aaron, Hur and Joshua were able to work together, rely on God together and each do their part to bring victory! God doesn't need us to do these things. He calls us and challenges us to do these things so we will experience His community--the Church! We can grow in love and appreciation of others through all of this! The whole Kingdom benefits when we share our burdens, when we support each other and rely on God together!

This also involves letting go of pride. Now, Moses certainly could have told Aaron and Hur to go help Joshua fight, he'd be fine by himself. How many of us bare burdens like this? There are people available to help, but we feel our burden isn't heavy enough--there may be a greater need somewhere else. So, we send ready servants on their way! In today's study we were warned of two negative outcomes when we refuse to share our burdens: 1) We often lengthen the battle. And truthfully, victory can become an impossibility. 2) We cheat others of the joy of victory. There have been times when I've genuinely told someone I was more than willing to help them out in some way, and it's a real let down when they decline or make light of what I've offered them. Has this happened to anyone else??

Scripture is riddled with this idea of community. God, in three persons... What does that mean except community?! We were made in His image--a Community. One thing that is stressed at the church I attend is "Go be the church!" Church is not a building or a place or something we go "do" on Sundays. We are the church....always.

Do you have a support system within your ministry? in your personal life? If so, who are they and how do they support you? How can you be the Community, the Church to others?


Meghan said...

Oh! It is crazy, CRAZY the way today's lesson applied to me! I think God is trying to tell me something!:) I am the QUEEN of shouldering my burdens alone - no help for ME thank you very much - I'm just fine on my own!

I have been so very, very convicted of this tendency of late. There are many areas in my life right now currently and in the near future where I'm going to need a huge support system if I (we) are going to make it. I've been realizing just how prideful and selfish I've been by keeping it all to myself - and yes, cheating others of the joy in victory! So I need to repent of that - and repent of that fully. We are meant to be in community together supporting each other, helping each other, praying for each other, living our lives as christians together. I agree that it's more than just attending church together - we need to be IN each others lives!

Sara said...

meghan, i have been thinking SO much of you this week... being that you guys will be transitioning into a ministry position sometime in the future!... you're right, it is KEY to have a support system! we really can't do this on our own!! (not just ministry either!) just living life--especially a believer's life! but ministry can get tough, lonely and exhausting--because you're dealing with people--messy people, but God's children nonetheless.... being a minister's wife is a HUGE responsibility!! but one i think God has been preparing you for for quite some time now!... i'm excited for you and todd! i pray God brings a support system into your lives. that He leads you to a place where you will thrive in doing His work and be challenged to go deeper yourselves and lead people that way too!

i know there are plenty of times when i have cheated others out of the joy of victory too! i don't know why i'm so reluctant to share! i realize this now more than ever as i'm desperately wanting a support system around me and can't seem to find one.... there are plenty of people God has brought in my life since we've moved, but i think i keep holding back, for some reason... i don't know why?!... i don't know what i'm afraid of! but i am WELL aware that i CANNOT do this on my own!!!!... the Lord is really doing a work in us right now!... it's kinda crazy!! stripping us down to pretty much nothing, in fact!... i'm thankful that He loves me enough to stick with me (even when i'm being pretty stubborn and NOT listening very well!)

Meghan said...

Sara- I know exactly what you are talking about! I desperately need/want a support system but seem to be holding back for whatever reason as well! I'm not sure why either - I don't know if it's fear that people will think I'm crazy or too messy or over the edge...or what! But you are right...we CAN'T do it on our own. Thank goodness for Jesus and His grace and His renewed mercies...

Sarah said...

Do I have a support system within my ministry? I would have to say definitely - and a great one at that.

I am one to let it all hang out, not even caring how "bad" it makes me look, because I know that either someone can help me along the way, or I can help someone who's going through it too. God didn't create us to burden our problems all by ourself. That would make me go insane!

I loved how Beth said, "When we refuse to allow anyone to share our personal battles, we risk two negative consequence: 1) We often lengthen the battle 2) When we do not ask for support, we cheat others of the joy of victory.

We can't help those who aren't willing or even ready to accept the help waiting for them.

Sara, I hate it that you are so far away (I miss you terribly), and Meghan, I hate it that you are planning to move away. You two have been great support systems to me, and I have vented my frustration to you many of times (probably too many - but you know how I can be!) You both are in my prayers. God has something planned so big for you guys - it will be an amazing ride.

Thank you both for always being there for me! I hope you know that I'm always here to return the favor!