Friday, October 31, 2008
Week 7, Day 5: Heaven, the Blessed Adoption Agency
We are God's children, not just certain people, but everyone, and not just when we are good, but when our faults come out as well. I couldn't help but wonder if God's sees me the way I see my own children? I love them unconditionally. Whether they are an angel one day, or whether they are so defiant that I feel like it's pushing me over the edge - I still love them with every fiber of my being. So this is how God feels about us - he loves us unconditionally because we are his children.
I have spent my whole life trying to please my father. As an adult, I'm still trying to, and sometimes that really frustrates me because I feel that nothing I do will ever be good enough. There have been a few times that I have received his praise, and boy have I cherished every moment of it. This is how I should be with my heavenly Father, my creator. I should be eager to please at all times. Knowing that we are his children should encourage us to live as Jesus did - a pure life.
And speaking of fathers. God disciplines us just as we would discipline our own children. This is an ongoing battle in our house with our almost 3 year old son, and I praying that I am disciplining appropriately. Hebrews 10:10-11 says "Our fathers discipline us for a little while as they thought best;; but God disciplines us for our good, we may share in his holiness. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it." Can I just say, AMEN!!! Discipline is SO hard, but knowing that you're doing it for their own good is what helps me push through. This is where I have to do that reverse thinking again... God disciplines us so that we may have righteousness and peace - what a gift and blessing!
Do you feel God is in the midst of disciplining you right now? If so, how? If not now, then can you pinpoint a time where to did feel he was disciplining you?
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Week 7, Day 4: The Right Hand of God
Sure there are things here on earth that can harm us and lead us astray, but if we choose to follow Jesus he will provide us with an everlasting safety. Jesus Christ is the right hand of God, he is the SAVING hand of God! How awesome is that!
Today we were able to come to the realization of why the new covenant was established. It’s purpose was based on more profitable and valuable promises – Promises of God that find their “Yes” in Jesus Christ! I love how Beth said, “The old covenant was based on a shadow. The new covenant was based on a Savior.”
Will he heal you from the ravages of sin? Read Isaiah 53:5
- By his wounds we are healed.
I couldn’t help but think of a song we sing:
He was pierced for our transgressions
He was crushed for our sins
Punishment that brought us peace was upon him
And by his wounds, by his wounds we are healed.
We are healed by Your sacrifice
And the life that You gave
We are healed for You paid the price
By Your grace we are saved
We are saved, WE ARE SAVED!
We know that sometimes God tells us know, but today I learned that “God’s no is a street sign to direct you to oncoming yes!”
We live in a world where people think that believing in God and following God restricts so many things because God says “No”. This is why it is so important for us to retrain the way they think and let them know about all the things that he says “yes” to. Yes to salvation, yes to forgiveness, yes to abundant life, and yet to a mansion of glory!
Can you think of a past personal need that God undoubtedly met in Christ? If so, how?
Or do you feel that there is an area in your life where God said “No” and is directing you to an oncoming “Yes”?
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Week 7, Day 3: An Open Door
Today’s study was eye opening for me. For some reason when I think about Jesus I don’t ever think of him as being tempted, but in thinking this I realize that I am totally and completely wrong.
When looking into why Christ’s priesthood was so superior to Aaron’s we were able to see the importance of Jesus becoming one of us. In becoming flesh he suffered when he was being tempted but remained holy and did not sin. It is through these experiences with temptation that he is able to sympathize with our weaknesses. He has been there, and he’s only guiding us so that we don’t have to suffer ourselves.
“No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.” 1 Corinthians 10:13
Temptation happens to everyone, so we are not in this alone. But any temptation can be resisted because God is there to help us. In the footnote in my Bible it gives 5 ways of resisting temptation:
1. Recognize those people and situations that give you trouble.
2. Run from anything you know is wrong
3. Choose to do only what is right
4. Pray for God’s help
5. See friends who love God and can offer help when you are tempted.
*Running from a tempting situation is your first step on the way to victory.
For me, the real assurance is knowing that God the Father has provided a door of escape for every temptation that I will encounter. The choice is up to me. Beth said, “Two things about a believer’s temptation never vary: 1) We always have an open door, a way out. 2) Every door we refuse to walk through makes the next one even harder to enter. This so very true!
Can you cite a time when you narrowly escaped a sin that could have ruined your life? If it is extremely personal, write your comments vaguely. The important part is to acknowledge the One who opened before you a way of escape.
When asked this question, there was one situation that popped into my head. About a year after I was married I went to dinner with one of my ex-boyfriends whom I was still friends with. Again, just friends. At the time I saw nothing wrong with doing this, but now looking back at it and can’t help thinking, “What in the world was I thinking!!!!” Anyway, once we were done and going to our separate cars he proceeded to kiss me. I immediately pushed him away and told him that our friendship was no more. I cried the whole way home and when I got home I told my husband what had happened. I felt as if I had cheated on him and we had only been married for a year. I promised him that night that I would never be put in such a situation again and I haven’t since! When my dear friend Sara commented earlier this week about not being alone with the opposite sex I couldn’t help but think just how vitally important this is!
Just as Beth mentioned in her story, things can get out of hand very quickly if you continue to shut or walk right past the doors that God has given you to escape. Lucky for me, I took that first door – If I wouldn’t have I could have lost the best thing that ever walked into my life, my beloved husband. I know that some people aren’t so lucky!
Do you care to share as I have?
Can you site a time when you narrowly escaped a sin that could have ruined your life? Again, you can be vaque!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Week 7, Day 2: A Peculiar Priest
In today’s study we were able to see the comparison of Melchizedek and Jesus. We found that Melchizedek was King of Salem, a priest – a priest of the Most High God to be exact. Later we discover that his name means “King of Righteousness” “Kind of Peace”.
Beth stated, “The range of Melchizedek’s priesthood did not encompass one nation alone, but through him all people could be blessed. The most fascinating royal priest was none other than a type, or picture, of Christ, foreshadowing the true King-Priest to come. Likewise, through Him all nations would be blessed.”
If perfection could have been attained through the Levitical priesthood (for on the basis of it the law was given to the people), why was there still need for another priest to come – one in order of Melchizedek, not in order of Aaron. Hebrews 7:11
So if the Jewish priests and their laws had been able to save people, then why would God need to send his son Jesus as priest? Well rewinding back to the offerings… we know that the animal sacrificing has to be repeated over and over again and yet it only allowed temporary forgiveness. But with Jesus, he made the one and only ultimate sacrifice that will never again be repeated and yet provided permanent forgiveness! When Jesus Christ became our High Priest, he canceled out all other priesthood. None other should take His place in our lives!
Have you recently questioned God’s plan for your life or His timing?
God will act when he is ready. I don’t know about you all, but I have two beautiful children who tend to get impatient, and have absolutely no concept of time what so ever! I find myself not telling my son, Noah, that we are leaving the house until about 15 minutes before we do so because I will constantly hear, “Mommy we go bye bye now?!?” “Time to go bye bye?” Over and Over! But as adults we are very similar in the nature. We don’t fully understand the concept of God’s timing. Just like our children, we want everything to happen now and “our” way, when deep down we need to be patient and know that God’s timing and way is much better. We he is ready he will do what HE needs to do, NOT what WE would like him to do. As hard as this may be sometimes, it is the right and only way! This is something that I struggle with every day of my life. I need to wait for God to reveal his plan in my life and not take matters into my own hands.
Has this study encouraged you to feel differently? If so, How?
Monday, October 27, 2008
Week 7, Day 1: The Holy Calling of the Priesthood
We have recently learned about the importance of sacrifices and God’s attitude towards them. In this we also learned that Jesus, the unblemished lamb, was the ultimate sacrifice that was made for each and every one of us, ceasing the many animal sacrifices. But there are more to sacrificing than just the animal sacrifice. What about the ones we covered today? The mental and physical ones: Praise, Your Temple, and Faith.
When asked “What can you do to offer sacrifices to God in these areas?” Here were my answers, and feel free to share yours.
I need to praise Him more often to others who may not know him without feeling “silly” about it, or too over the top.
Hebrew 13:15-16. Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise – the fruit of our lips that confess his name. And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for which such sacrifices God is pleased.
Your Temple:
I want to not worry so much about my appearance and just enjoy me the way I am. God wants us to offer ourselves as living sacrifices by laying down our own desires and following him, but this isn’t always the easiest of things to do.
Romans 12:1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship.
I want to realize that God has a plan for me and my family, and in the process understand that what I want isn’t necessarily what he wants for me!
Philippians 2:17 But even if I am being poured out like a drink offering on the sacrifice and service coming from you faith, I am glad and rejoice with all of you.
“Sanctification is not about long hair and abstinence. It is about purity… For those really fulfilling their calling of evangelism and ministry, purity is neither easy nor accidental. We must guard our minds and put on our armor. A war rages our there, and we are Satan’s favorite prisoners.” (Moore, 2007)
I don’t usually ask the discussion questions and then answer them, but that’s exactly what I’m going to do today. In this process I’m asking you to share your answers with all of us.
What do you deliberately avoid for the sake of purity?
I do not curse or use foul language. I’m not saying that I’ve never said a bad word before. I’m just saying that I never made it a habit like some people do. I don’t like hearing those words used – it actually makes me feel pretty uncomfortable.
How do others know you are set apart to God?
I’m going to use the example of foul language above. When I was in High School I was always playing sports. Softball and Basketball were my main sports. I was captain in both of these sports, which means that a lot of people look up to you in a way. They would pick on me for using words like “Dork” “Nerd” “Butt” instead of using more vulgar terms for these things. On one of our road games, one of the girls just came out and asked me why I didn’t curse. *Here was possibly my one and only time to witness to these girls!* The ones who were really close to me already knew why, but this was a girl that obviously didn’t. I began explaining to her that I’ve grown up in the church and that I accepted Jesus Christ when I was in the 6th grade. I went into details about certain things that I believe in and feel very strongly about – even though the whole time I feared she was tuning me out. In the end she looked me in the face and said, “ That’s really cool.” After that every time she would use a foul word herself, she would look at me and apologize.
These girls knew what I believed in, and I just wish I could have made a bigger impact on them.
If you have children, what habits towards purity are you helping instill in them?
On this question I am using my husband, Kris, as the example. I have known my husband – the love of my life – since I was 9 years old. He hasn’t changed one bit since the day I met him (which I remember very vividly). I am the luckiest woman to have such a man in my life.
You’re probably wondering why I’m using him and not myself. Here is why… I struggle with many things in my life. Not off the chart struggles, but everyday struggles like stress, anxiety, anger, frustration, jealousy, etc. These are bad habits that make me feel so “impure”, and they’re habits that I don’t want my children to pick up on. As for my husband, he is the complete opposite. He doesn’t stress, he’s never anxious or jealous, and in all the years that I’ve known him I have never once heard him yell. He does not curse, he doesn’t drink alcohol (he hasn’t even had soda in 13 years), but he DOES love the Lord with all of his heart – he is literally the most amazing man that I have ever met. But it’s not just me who is lucky in this, it’s my children who I pray will reap the benefits of having such a Father. He is the perfect example of “purity” for me and my children in more ways than I can possibly explain.
So now I ask you:
What do you deliberately avoid for the sake of purity?
How do others know you are set apart to God?
If you have children, what habits toward purity are you helping instill in them?
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Week 6: The Heart of a Servant
Well, the final day of this week's study was preparation for next week. So, there were quite a few details to sort through and remember from weeks past and some interesting new details too. However, isn't a study like this a testament to the way our Lord is interested in and concerned with the details?
One thing that sticks out to me in learning about the construction and details of the Tabernacle has been the way God used all of our senses to reveal Himself to us and for us to give and sacrifice to Him! With the fragrant offering, the beauty of not only the Tabernacle itself but now we've seen the garments of the priests were beautifully detailed as well! And to know the garments had bells on them, so you could hear when the priest entered God's presence! Not to mention, the feel and ambiance of the whole thing must have been amazing! You know, all of us learn and experience things in different ways, and it seems that God didn't want to leave anything out when it came to relating and ministering to His people!
I hope and pray this week's study has been challenging and uplifting for all of you, sisters! I know it has been for me. It's hard to believe we have only 4 weeks left! Hang in there. Let's finish strong together!!!
Do you have any other thoughts concerning all the details of the Tabernacle? Is there something specific you are taking away from this week's study?
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Day 4: The Gift of Support
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
Was anyone else crying by the end of today's study??..... The story of the mother who shared her struggles and then became victorious through it all was amazing! It's SO true! If she had borne that burden all alone, do you think she would have been victorious?
Today's study reiterated that our God is a God of community! He has created us to be communal--to commune with Him and with each other. It's a little out of our comfort zones, in a sense. Oh sure, some of us love fellowship and being with people! I, for one, gain energy when I'm around people. I love people! However, there is a difference in hanging out with people and in supporting each other. If we're going to support each other, build each other up, help one another, then we have to know each other! We have to be in each other's lives, having the same mind and goals in Christ! That is how Moses, Aaron, Hur and Joshua were able to work together, rely on God together and each do their part to bring victory! God doesn't need us to do these things. He calls us and challenges us to do these things so we will experience His community--the Church! We can grow in love and appreciation of others through all of this! The whole Kingdom benefits when we share our burdens, when we support each other and rely on God together!
This also involves letting go of pride. Now, Moses certainly could have told Aaron and Hur to go help Joshua fight, he'd be fine by himself. How many of us bare burdens like this? There are people available to help, but we feel our burden isn't heavy enough--there may be a greater need somewhere else. So, we send ready servants on their way! In today's study we were warned of two negative outcomes when we refuse to share our burdens: 1) We often lengthen the battle. And truthfully, victory can become an impossibility. 2) We cheat others of the joy of victory. There have been times when I've genuinely told someone I was more than willing to help them out in some way, and it's a real let down when they decline or make light of what I've offered them. Has this happened to anyone else??
Scripture is riddled with this idea of community. God, in three persons... What does that mean except community?! We were made in His image--a Community. One thing that is stressed at the church I attend is "Go be the church!" Church is not a building or a place or something we go "do" on Sundays. We are the church....always.
Do you have a support system within your ministry? in your personal life? If so, who are they and how do they support you? How can you be the Community, the Church to others?
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The Lord said to Aaron, "You will have no inheritance in their land, nor will you have any share among them; I am your share and your inheritance among the Israelites." Numbers 18:20
Not only is their a huge privilege and responsibility when serving God, but their is much sacrifice as well! Let's distinguish what we are speaking of here.... We, as followers of Christ, are all called to serve the Lord. Though the call is the same, the direction the call will lead each one of us is usually different. Some are called to a life of volunteering and living as an example to others in their walk with the Lord and in their daily lives. Others are called to a life of full-time ministry which is dedicated solely to preaching and reaching the lost! Now, neither one of these calls is better than the other. However, the weight and responsibility is definitely heavier on those who claim to be called by God as His ministers.
Once again this is a beautiful picture of the body of Christ. It is essential that we have a variety of people within the body to provide all the needs! For each of us to be challenged where we are weak and to thrive in our strengths. This includes financial situations as well. There are many ministers and missionaries who depend on the body to provide for them financially in order for them to give fully to the work of the Kingdom. This would not be possible without others in the body who work, make money and give to the Kingdom! Do you see how both positions are important and necessary in order for the Kingdom to function? Don't get me wrong, God doesn't really need our money, but He does challenge us in these areas to serve Him and trust Him!
I also believe there is another real issue here.... Taking care of the leaders of the Church does not merely include a paycheck! Remember how God instructed the Israelites to make the Levites a part of their celebrations? We also need to be concerned with building up our leaders and taking care of them emotionally as well. It must have been a problem even with the Israelites as it is today. We don't see the ministers as real people. Let me explain... this is our attitude toward them: We treat them as if they're at our disposal because that's what God has called them to. They do all the work at the church, we don't--we're not paid! And then we feel, since we're "tithing members, " that we can complain when the minister(s) does something we don't like! We hold them to higher standards than we do ourselves! And on top of that, it never crosses our mind to give them a word of encouragement or thank them for the hard work they do!.... It's sad, really... In the "real world" a person usually doesn't stay at a job where they're constantly critiqued (especially by people who haven't been trained in their expertise)! In the "real world" a person wouldn't stay at a job where they never get a raise (because that's not godly, right?).... I understand not everyone has this attitude, and certainly there are plenty of churches that work hard to take good care of their ministers. I just want to expose the attitude that I've run into often.... God has called these people to minister for Him to YOU! They are not perfect, but they are called by God. We should love on them, encourage them and take good care of them so they are better able to do Kingdom work instead of being weighted down by abuse or discouragement within the body.
How have you encouraged leaders within the body of Christ where you are currently serving? Have you yourself experienced being taken care of or not being taken care of as a minister? Do you have any other thoughts concerning all of this?
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
"Those who share in the privilege of being nearest to God must also bear the awesome responsibility of exemplifying His holiness through obedience."
Now, before you start thinking this is not talking about you, STOP!! Because, sure enough, it is! If you have chosen to follow Christ, then you are near God, and in many cases nearer to Him than most others around you! If you come into contact at all with nonbelievers, then this applies to YOU! In fact, this applies amongst believers as well....
I really like that statement that Beth Moore made. It is true. We have the responsibility of representing Christ to everyone! Whether it is to a nonbeliever who knows nothing of Christ or to another believer who is less mature in the faith. We all have this responsibility to some extent!! It must never be taken lightly!
At the same time, before you go and get overwhelmed with this responsibility, remember that Christ does this in us and through us! It is by His sacrifice that we are able to draw near to God. He is doing this for us, through us, in us..... Our worship--a fragrant offering to God--would not be possible without the atonement Christ made for us. Just like the picture of the Tabernacle, the way the altars were positioned. "Until someone had experienced atonement at the first altar, he could not offer the fragrant incense of prayer, praise, and worship at the second because there would be no intercessor!" How much more meaning do Jesus' words have now that we know this, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6
Jesus is the way to the Father, He is the truth--a foundation our lives are built on, and He is the life--eternal life!! In the book of John, as Beth Moore pointed out, the word truth means unveiled reality. Isn't it awesome to think of Jesus as God's unveiled reality. God in the flesh = Jesus = unveiled reality! It was always TRUE, and yet hidden. But truth is now unveiled in Christ!!
It is also important to talk about the "unauthorized fire" that was given. To be honest, it sounded a bit careless to me, as well as having little respect or reverence for what was being done! I do think it's important for us to remember who it is we serve and worship! It is the Creator and One True Living God who is "over all and through all and in all" (Ephesians 4:6). We must not be careless or too soon forget the holiness of God and all that He deserves from us! And yet, Jesus Christ did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking on the very nature of a servant.... (Philippians 2:6-7). What an absolutely amazing God we serve!
What fuels your personal expression of worship? Is it truly more about God than yourself? Can you sense when God is pleased with your worship, and if so, how? How do you think the aspect of sacrifice plays into our worship?
Monday, October 20, 2008
Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them. Hebrews 7:25
How much more meaning does this verse have now that we've been studying the Tabernacle? In the context of Hebrews chapter 7, the author is portraying Christ as our High Priest! We are in the midst of studying the importance and significance of the High Priest's job! And to think, that Christ now always intercedes for us! Not once a year, but always!
It might be hard for us to completely realize the awesomeness of Christ as our High Priest--He's always been that for us! We never lived in a time when we needed a human high priest. This study is helping to open my eyes as to the greatness of what this means! Where there used to be one position of high standing amongst God's people, coming from a particular tribe and doing very specific jobs to make atonement for God's people, there is now one High Priest who has completed the task of sacrificing and satisfying everything that our sin messes up who is Christ! Christ is The One High Priest who was able to completely satisfy everything for us! We no longer need a high priest to intercede. We no longer need a veil to separate us from God's dwelling place. He has made His home in our hearts. Christ has covered us with His righteousness and holiness and made us ready for His dwelling! What God commanded the Israelites to do in order to ready the Tabernacle for His presence, He now does in us for His presence to be in us. Isn't this AWESOME??!!!!
May my prayer be set before you like incense.... Psalm 141:2
Scripture speaks much about prayer. I love this idea of prayer being like incense to God--sweet smelling and soothing. Isn't it an awesome thought that when we pray perhaps God is soothed by the sweetness?.... Perhaps He is soothed because we are coming to Him. He never fails and He longs for a relationship with us! Relationships cannot thrive without communication! I believe that is why He tells us to pray!
And worship... WOW, what a loaded word, huh?.... We have certainly twisted this word, and quite frankly, we're not sure how to use it correctly, I'm afraid! True worship is a lifestyle. We worship with our lives (1 Chronicles 16:29; Psalm 95:6; Matthew 2:2; John 4:24; Romans 12:1). All these references tell us ways to worship. I think we can easily conclude that worship is giving the Lord what is due Him. We can do that with a song, kneeling or bowing in awe, bringing gifts, giving our very lives! ALL of these are worship. I'm glad we will go deeper with this in the days to come....
What do you think of Christ as our High Priest?... How is your prayer life?... What are ways that you give your life in worship to our Lord?
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Hearts in Fellowship (Week Five)
It keeps getting better and better, don't you think?
Do you find the bread of Christ's presence satisfying in your life? Why or why not?
Friday, October 17, 2008
Now I will admit that this can be hard for someone who's introverted and shy and easily overwhelmed by people (like me!). Not long ago, my husband (who's not shy or introverted or easily overwhelmed by people) approached me about the possibility of hosting our small group in our home. Oh, my goodness! I'm all for fellowship, of course, but in my home is another story! Talk about anxiety! Yikes! But, for some reason (it must have been the Holy Spirit's prompting) I gave the go ahead. And you know, it's been a true blessing. I have actually enjoyed hosting our amazing group - I actually look forward to the Sunday evenings when I know they'll be in our home!
So, I would say it's true that we all yearn for that communion and fellowship with others (even crazy, un-relational me!). God understands that fully, which is why he incorporated the table as one of the most important elements in the tabernacle! And He understands not only just the need for us to fellowship with others, but with Him! God communing with us in the Holy Place! Pretty amazing, don't you think?
What about you? Do you think fellowship with others is important? If so, what are some ways you fellowship and commune with others in your own life? Is this something you find easy or hard to do?
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
What did you think of today's study?
I think there are many times in my life where it seems God has had to prune me down to almost the bare ground! These are obviously the times when I've been the farthest away from Him. When I've turned away and let my relationship grow cold, when I've not "remained in Him". These have been some of the most miserable and fruitLESS moments of my life! Matthew 12:33 say that,"...a tree is recognized by its fruit." (NIV) Yikes!
I'm definitely learning - at times very painfully and slowly - to cling to the Vine. If I want to lead a fruitFUL life I must hold on as tight as I can to Jesus - I must remain in Him!
How has the Holy Spirit recently made himself known in your life?
Monday, October 13, 2008
But I think what stood out to me the most in today's study was this:
Isn't that amazing? Isn't that something we all long for? To be sheltered and find refuge? My daughter spends most of her day with her beloved blankie wrapped around her - it's her buffer from the outside world, offering her protection and security from whatever scary things she may have to confront at any given moment. This is what I picture in my mind when I try to visualize this: God as our heavenly security blankie - can you imagine? He covers us with His life! Incredible!
What about you? How have you learned to experience "the warmth and protection of life beneath the wings of the Almighty"?
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Hearts Approaching the Altar (Day 5)
Look upon our shield, O God; Look with favor on your anointed one. Better is one day in your court than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God then dwell in the tents of the wicked. Psalm 84: 9-10
I couldn't help but think of another worship song while reading this verse. But after reading today's study it has much more meaning to me now. For so many people the court was their Holy Place because they couldn't go beyond that point. It was only the priests that were allowed to enter the Holy Place, but they still had to enter through the court. If I could rewind time and place myself in the masses of people, I know that I would be singing the same thing. "Better is one day in your court that a thousand elsewhere!"
Don't we all long for something bigger and better in our lives? Maybe not at the moment, but I know there has to be a time when you have thought this. The Korahites were assigned a very important task of transporting the covered articles through the wilderness. But obviously Korah thought he deserved something bigger and better to do, and thought that Moses and Aaron were the ones trying to cease control over everyone. He turned so many against God and God's faithful servants. How did he think he was going to benefit from doing this? What it did do was cost him, among many others, their lives! God made it so that earth split and opened its mouth and swallowed them. What a scary sight, but it also allows us to see just how mighty God really is.
When we begin focusing on ourselves and the problems in our life, it takes our eyes off God. We the begin to lose our perspective on everything around us. I am one to make a Mountain out of a mole hill, and by doing this I hinder my relationship with God, because it begins to take over me. This is something that I work on everyday of my life. My husband always says, "Honey, don't sweat the small stuff. And you know what? It's all small stuff!" Don't allow the difficulties or temporary problems make you lose sight of God's direction for you life. God has created a path for each of us, but we are the ones that have to do the walking!
"If you struggle with your importance in God's kingdom, realize that one day at the task God has personally assigned for you is better than a thousand days at someone else's... Only God's chosen task for you will ultimately satisfy. Do not wait until it is too late to realize the privilege of serving Him in His chosen position for you." (Moore, 2007)
Do you know what position God has chosen for you? Are you listening to his calling? If so, do you feel you are using it to ultimately satisfy?
Friday, October 10, 2008
Hearts Approaching the Altar (Day 4)
First of all I need to apologize for not posting yesterday. It was a very crazy day for me being that we were heading out of town. Our plane arrived in Dallas at 10:00 pm, so that is the reason I didn't post once I got here. My deepest apologies!
We bow our hearts. We bend our knees. O Spirit come make us humble. We turn our eyes, from evil things. O Lord we cast down our idols.
Give us clean hands. Give us pure hearts. Let us not lift our souls to another.
Give us clean hands. Give us pure hearts. Let us not lift our souls to another.
O God let us be a generation that seeks, seeks your face. O God of Jacob, O God of Jacob
This very song kept popping into my heard as I read today’s study. And this is one of my favorite songs! We learned about the importance of the bronze basin, but not just about it’s purpose, but also about its very strategic place between the altar and the tabernacle. The sacrifice had to be made first to forgive of the sins that were made, and then the water in the basin was used to cleanse them.
I did find it very interesting that the basin was made from mirrors and that upon cleansing the priests had to stand before it with their own reflection looking back at them. Beth statement is so very true. “The purpose is clear: before we can truly come before God for cleansing, we must examine ourselves to discover how we have erred” There are times that I’m so disappointed or frustrated with myself that I can’t even stand before a mirror myself – let alone think of standing before God.
“If we claim to be without sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word has no place in our lives.” 1 John 1: 8-10
“Asking God to forgive us for a sin we are not yet sorry we committed is a waste of time.” I feel that it’s always important to ask for forgiveness no matter what the sin. There are times where I have sinned and asked for forgiveness and told myself and God that I would never do it again, and then for some odd reason I did do it again – but not purposely. I feel that asking for forgiveness the first time is just as important as the second, and in some cases the third. In these times I did have remorse and felt guilty about doing them, and I did pray that God would give me the strength to defeat temptation the next time. I think in Beth’s statement she was referring to someone who shows no pity in repeating the same sin over and over again, and continues doing it knowing that God will forgive. When we come to Jesus Christ he forgives all the sins we have committed or will ever commit. How do you all feel about what Beth said?
How would you react to God getting on his knees to clean your feet? I think that I would have reacted as Peter did. It should be me washing his feet not the other way around. In John 13:14 Jesus’ commands us to go out and wash one another’s feet. In doing this we enable them to walk with him. Here are seven reasons why we have difficulty following Jesus’ command on this issue:
1. We lack the assurance of who we are.
2. We have a fear of leaving our comfort zones.
3. We are not willing to be vulnerable.
4. Our pitchers are empty, and we fail to be refilled.
5. We just don’t like feet.
6. We have to get on our knees.
7. We flat out refuse to allow God to wash our feet.
Recall a time when your “pitcher” was empty. How did you feel when others asked you for something during this period of time? How was your pitcher finally refilled?
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Hearts Approaching the Altar (Day 3)
Moses said to Aaron, “Come to the altar and sacrifice your sin offering and your burnt offering and make atonement for yourself and the people; sacrifice the offering that is for the people and make atonement for them, as the Lord has commanded. Leviticus 9:7
1. Satisfaction or reparation for a wrong or injury; amend
2. Reconciliation
All salvation rests on this precept; Acceptance is always based on atonement. (Moore, 2007) Beth said to not let this fact escape our minds during this study today. I can’t speak for all of you, but it never left mine.
I have been contemplating what to say in this post today for awhile now. To me there are no words for the sacrifice that was made for us. After reading the history of the offerings and how it goes hand in hand with the sacrifice that God made on the cross, I just sat at my kitchen table in tears. I think a good hour went by before the frog in my throat finally eased up. I will try my hardest to express my thoughts for today, but I know that I am not going to do it justice!
In today’s study we got a deeper understanding of what the differences were in the offerings. The system of sacrifices atoned for sins - and it was one complicated system. I don’t know about you all, but I had a hard time reading the details of holding down the animal’s head and slaying it with the other. This made me cringe. It is through the sacrifice of the animal (or any substitute), that people could be forgiven of their sins. Beth stated, “We cringe at the thought; yet as the sinner held the animal’s head while its life fled, God’s purpose was clearly stated in living, crimson color: an innocent victim lost its life because of the sin of its killer.” Jesus was our innocent victim.
As I was reading this I couldn’t help but think how many animals were being sacrificed, because we know that there is a ton of sin each and every day. People continually sin – I continually sin. For this very reason God chose to make one final and ultimate sacrifice, and that sacrifice was his one and only beloved son, Jesus. He took all of our sins and placed them upon himself, so that we wouldn’t have to suffer. He made the ultimate sacrifice! Beth said, “Sins could be atoned for on the cross only by heaping them on Christ Jesus, the unblemished Lamb. Think how many were yours and mine.”
The unblemished Lamb of God died and conquered sin once and for all. What a precious gift!
What part of today’s study stood out to you the most and how has it affect you?
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Hearts Approaching the Altar (Day 2)
The fire on the altar must be kept burning; it must not go out. Every morning the priest is to add firewood and arrange the burnt offering on the fire and burn the fat of the fellowship offerings on it. The fire must be kept burning on the altar continuously; it must not go out. Leviticus 6: 12-13
The fire at the altar, God’s fire, must NOT go out for he is the one who started it! God’s fire is present in each believer’s life through the gift of the Holy Spirit, and we as his children must fan the flame to keep it burning. It is our responsibility as believers to spread the word of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
For this reason I remind you to fan into the flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.
2 Timothy 1: 6-8
It is through the Holy Spirit that we can overcome some of the obstacles that are thrown at us in this crazy world we live in. It gives us the courage and self discipline to hang on to the truth and use the very gifts that God has blessed us with. By doing this we are walking on the path that God has set for us – an amazing and life changing path!
This altar that God gave such detailed instructions to build was incredible in so many ways. But it wasn't until I compared it to an altar that I know all too well, the cross, that I was humbled. Jesus Christ secured himself on an altar as our sacrifice, anointed us with His Holy Spirit, and leads us to victory. What a wonderful and selfless act!
Do you serve God in the daily routines of your life, or do you wait for him to do a mighty act?
Monday, October 6, 2008
Week 4: Hearts Approaching the Altar (Day 1)
Good afternoon ladies. Can you believe that it’s already week 4? This study has been amazing so far and I can’t even imagine what it’s going to be like for the next seven weeks. I’m so glad to be on this journey with each and every one of you. I pray that it is changing your heart as it is changing mine!
Beth stated how the study will unfold from here on out. We are going to approach the Tabernacle and its contents from the outside in to get its full meaning. But in order to do this we need to get a visual of the Tabernacle. I don’t know about you guys but I am a visual & hands on learner. All through nursing school I could read until I was blue in the face – which didn’t mean I was actually taking the information in. It wasn’t until I either saw a picture or physically did it with my own hands that I got the full concept of what was being taught to me. So when Beth instructed us to make a diagram according to God’s directions I was at first a little apprehensive (I’m not the best drawer), but when I started doing it I began to see the Tabernacle in a different light. Even though I had drawn it, I still didn’t’ feel like I had “been” there, as Beth put it, so I researched and found some pictures that helped me visualize what the Tabernacle looked like. Here are a few of them:
After adding the camp, the army of the living God, I was astounded by how many were actually there. Here is a picture with the names of the tribes surrounding the Tabernacle. It does not specify how many were in each tribe as the Bible does. It would have taken about 12 square miles to set up tents for the 603,550 fighting men – not to mention the women and children. Unbelievable!
Can I just say that this was a slap in my face. I am really hard on myself and I do believe that a lot of it stems from how I was raised. I know that I am my own worst enemy, and honestly sometimes I hate myself for it. I battled post partum depression after my first child, but it wasn’t the typical post partum depression. I didn’t have the negative feelings towards my beautiful son, I had them towards myself. He was the reason that I got out of bed, he was the reason I went about my day as normal as I could. But I truly hated myself and I couldn’t pin-point why. I hated looking at myself in the mirror. I hated seeing myself in the reflection of a window. I just could stand being in my own skin! So when Beth said, “My own flesh is twice the enemy to me that Satan is” I felt her pain.
2 Corithians 10: 3-5 reassures me that we can use the weapons that God has given us. We may be tempted to use our own methods, but nothing can break down the barriers like God’s weapons!
“Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckles around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the spirit in all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.” Ephesians 6: 13-18
To withstand Satan’s attacks on us we must use every piece of armor that God has given us.
Think of a difficulty you are dealing with. Test it according to Henry Blackaby’s three questions.
Am I living outside the will of God?
Do I have any unconfessed sin?
Is God simply working His completion in me?
Are you under attack from Satan or from your flesh?
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Week 3: Prepared Hearts
Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are those who wait for him!
Isaiah 30:18
My sisters, I deeply apologize for posting SO late in the day today! I have had many unexpected things this weekend! I pray this week will wrap up nicely for everyone, and that the lessons learned will be many and life changing! I praise God for each of you!!!
Well, if you didn't know your way around the Bible before, you certainly have gotten a good amount of practice this week! I loved it!! I always think it's awesome when we see the Old and New Testaments come together to reveal more of who God is!
God's people, the Israelites. How different am I from them, really? There means of survival and food was provided directly from God through manna, provision, guidance, and they still chose to direct their allegiance elsewhere. In fact, when Moses was on the mountain and they could visibly see God's glory and presence in the form of a "consuming fire" at the top, they went to Aaron, Moses' right hand man, and asked him to make....That's right, make, a god for them to follow! What?!!! I can hardly comprehend this. What about you? But the more I think on this idea, the more I realize I may do this in a different form. The Israelites literally had nothing but what God gave them. They didn't have our modern day distractions--shopping, every conceivable toy you can imagine, the internet, making money, TV, talk shows.... The list could go on. What I'm getting at is we may not ask someone else to make us a god, we make them ourselves in the form of the previously mentioned distractions! Something or someone else to follow!
Waiting on the Lord is not easy, it's not very fun either. Well, waiting on anyone is not all that fun! Right now I'm thinking of a song I learned in my childhood (and hated), but now I sing to my kids! (Ha ha!) Have patience, have patience, don't be in such a hurry. When you get impatient, you always start to worry. Remember, remember that God is patient too, and think of all the times when others have to wait for you. Yeah, I know, kinda cheesy. This song does bring to light, however, the fact that others wait on us, and even more so, God waits on us too! We would like for others and God to be patient with us, so why are we often hesitant to be patient with other people. Our husbands, our children, our friends, other drivers on the road... anyone else?... Here's a chance for us to renew our minds about waiting. If the Israelites had only waited on the Lord a little longer, they wouldn't have had to deal with the outcome of disobedience! How often could we avoid sin and disobedience if we just wait a little longer?
I liked Beth Moore's question, "Why might they have been so vulnerable to such disobedience?" It really made me think. The answer I came up with was that perhaps they became used to God's provision, and began to no longer see it as such. Have you done this before? You would think each day having to go out and gather the manna, they would gather it with such gratefulness and with full knowledge of their Provider. However, as we've learned, we have access to God's mercy every morning if we would be willing to go out and gather it and acknowledge His presence through it! Have we become so used to God's presence that we forget it or cease to recognize it? One of my constant prayers, because we see so many examples of this in Scripture, is that I will not miss Christ's work in my life and all around me! I pray that prayer for each of you today!
Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.
Psalm 27:14
When you feel weary of waiting on the Lord, what do you do? Is anyone out there in a waiting period right now? What should our response be to a time of waiting?
Friday, October 3, 2008
How often have you found yourself saying, "Wow, if I had lived back in Old Testament times, there is NO way I would have struggled with my faith! I mean, a ball of fire leading you around the desert at night? And a cloud during the day! A burning bush?... What more do you need?!..." Well, the truth in today's study that was brought is something the Israelites would have longed for. And the "great cloud of witnesses" that looks down on us and encourages us, I'm sure has a few sarcastic voices saying, "Seriously, YOU have the Holy Spirit guiding you, how can you screw this one up?!!! What more do you need?!!!..."
It is something noteworthy for us to realize that God's Spirit--the Holy Spirit--was present in OT times, but not active in the same way He is today--in EVERY believer's life!!! He came upon people as was needed, but now WE have access to this Spirit at all times!!! Isn't that incredible?!!!... While the Israelites struggled with getting used to following a cloud or a pillar of fire around and seeing a consuming fire on top of a mountain (and evidently getting bored with it!), we have to get used to listening to the Holy Spirit--the part of God that lives within us! They built a tabernacle to have His dwelling among them, we ARE the tabernacle that He now dwells within..... Simply amazing.
Following this truth in today's study, we find that God enjoys picking insignificant people to play a huge roll in the outworking of His plan! Isn't that great news?? I mean, how many of us actually feel worthy of the calling God has given us? And truly, if you do, then beware! When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom (Proverbs 11:2). I only point this out to reinforce the fact that God knows us best, He knows we need Him! So, He will often call us to things we are incapable of doing to prove the point that He will provide, He will work in us and through us to accomplish His will! And what sweet freedom and joy come when we are used for His glory!
I love what Beth said, "Sincerity and sweat do not always suffice. God places us in positions beyond our capabilities so that we will be at His absolute mercy, realizing that only He can succeed." It's so true... We can try really hard (sweat) with really good motives (sincerity), but it just doesn't cut it! When we are truly and simply used by God, the outcome is all around amazing--and He is glorified!!!
I also liked the point about submitting to authority... Okay, I want a show of hands, who does this easily?.... I don't see any hands... Well, I suppose that's just because I can't see you, right?... Yeah right! Few people, or should I say practically no one, submits to authority easily or with little thought! However, Bezalel gives us a clear and wonderful example of submitting to the authority God put over Him and to putting his hand to the plow, so to speak, and doing his job well. I also loved the verses speaking about the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts and how all these things are given to us for the common good. Did you catch that? For the common good. Not for ourselves!
And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever--the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him or knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. John 14:16-18.
Think on these verses and all the truths in today's study. Is there anything that sticks out to you? Do you listen to the Spirit that is within you, that Christ has given you? When is a time that you know the Spirit was leading you to do something, and you obeyed or didn't obey?
Thursday, October 2, 2008
God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. 2 Corinthians 5:21
Do you realize the significance of this?!!! These colors and the covenant! How awesome is our God! One thing I love most about studying Scripture is when truth is opened up--it truly blossoms like a beautiful flower in my heart! Studying the context of the when these things were written, knowing who the authors were writing to and what they would have understood as readers (or listeners) is key to understanding all that Scripture has for us. The principles are timeless, but the context is essential for understanding those principles.... All that to say, learning about David and Jonathan today was amazing! Their friendship alone is something to admire, and to know the significance of the covenant that Jonathan initiated literally brought me to tears this morning. Let's think about this for a minute.... By the world's standards, Jonathan was in line for the throne. What man would turn that down? It's very prevalent in our culture, this idea of "I deserve this," or "It's my right!" How many of us truly put others first or the Kingdom first, for that matter? We are bombarded with the notion that we have rights--a right to vote, a right to choose life, a right to stand up to those that hurt us, a right to good customer service, a right to have lots of choices, a right to blah, blah, blah... and so on and so forth!.... Now, not all of these are necessarily bad, and I am confident each of has a different opinion about these things! But I will say this, Christ has something different to say about us having rights! In surrender, you give up your rights!! But He also tells us that in doing so, we experience true freedom--freedom from sin, freedom from worry, freedom from our past, freedom from the world and it's standards!!! Doesn't that sound SO much better than having rights?!!!
Another point in today's study was about renewing our minds. I want to give a little testimony about this very thing.... This past week has been crazier than most for my family! I'm not sure if I was gearing up for my husband to be away for 10 days (he left just yesterday), and being busy is my way of "dealing." Or if it was just a busy week. But lastnight, as I was winding down, the kids asleep, I began thinking about today. I knew there were some things I wanted to get done around the house and there were things I would like to go out and do as well. But I felt so tired, and something inside of me was saying, "Just relax. Don't do too much!" I knew we needed a day at home, to just be together and enjoy each other! The past several days have had little routine, and we are all tired! Knowing that I was tired and that today could potentially be a blowing point if I wasn't careful, I decided that this morning we weren't going to do a thing! From the minute I woke up, I was going to be cheerful with my children, I wasn't going to say "no" unless it would hurt them or make a HUGE mess (in which case I would give them an alternative), and we weren't going ANYWHERE!!! I would get to my Bible study when the timing was right, and my kids were not going to feel neglected by me this morning. I believe this is part of renewing our minds! Now, I could be sulking today because I'm tired and my husband is gone (and it's just the beginning!) I could be whining that my house and my car need cleaned and I don't have the energy to do either one right now! But instead, I've chosen, key word I believe, to be a cheerful, loving mama this morning! And looky there, it's about 10 am, and I've already done my Bible study this morning!
Sometimes I think we forget we have a choice because we're too busy worrying about our rights! In our culture, I suppose we have the luxury (or should I say the misery) of doing that, I suppose. Does this resonate with anyone else? We are children of the Most High God, at all times. We have been covered by the blood of Jesus Christ, our Lord. He has taken our sinful clothing off--the red stuff--and has covered us with righteousness and fine linen! He is our covenant partner! He has done this not because of who we are or what we do, but out of the pure, great and mighty love He has for us!
What are specific ways in your own life that you love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind (especially), and strength? How can you renew your mind for His glory today? What do you think about Jesus being our covenant partner?