Monday, November 10, 2008

Day 1: The Mercy Seat

The mercy seat... What a beautiful thought.... Jesus is the mercy seat. What does that mean for us? Well, it means Jesus is God's mercy. That's right. Where does God's mercy come from? Jesus. Where is God's mercy displayed? In Christ Jesus. God has been merciful from the beginning, and His mercy has always been available because of His plan from the beginning that involved Jesus!

I've heard it described like this before: "Grace is getting what you don't deserve, and mercy is not getting what you deserve." So, grace is a gift--like salvation--that we really don't deserve. There is nothing we have done or can do to make ourselves eligible for this gift. And mercy is a sort of cover--like Christ's sacrifice--that shields us from getting what we truly deserve, death. In other words, Christ is the very definition of mercy. He took on our sin, sacrificed Himself and paid the price so that we would not have too! You see, He is mercy!!!! The mercy seat.....

And to see how He was represented in the Tabernacle all along. As this unfolds, it gets more awesome! Don't you think?!....

And not only does He cover our sin and take it away, but in that, there is freedom from sin! We do not have to choose sin, we can choose Christ and His forgiveness which sets us free from sinning any longer! We have all experienced Christ's forgiveness in many ways....

What are a few ways that you are thankful for Christ's mercy and forgiveness?

Here are a few of mine:

1. I have struggled (and still do at times) with bitterness toward people and things in my past. I am so thankful for the freedom that comes in giving this over to Jesus!
2. I am thankful that God has revealed my true self to me in that I have seen the ugliness of my own sin--it helps me to forgive others when I see ugliness in them! We are all alike in this--we have darkness in our hearts and we are prone to sin. We do not all choose forgiveness and freedom, but those of us who know Christ and have experienced His forgiveness can at the very least forgive others who have hurt us!
3. I am so thankful that His mercy is ever available to me! Each day is a new day. And His mercy is available to me to cover my sin--where I have let others down, stuck my foot in my mouth (or both of them!), or had bad thoughts... Whatever my sin, His mercy is available to cover it and make me new! Praise God!!!


Meghan said...

Great post! I have nothing to add - my list looks very similar to yours...

In the past, I've really struggled with the whole grace and forgiveness thing..just seemed TOO easy. I felt like there should be more rules..or something, I guess. You know, when I messed up I should have to do all this STUFF to make it up to God. Thank goodness that's not the way it works!

Sarah said...

1. I am thankful that everyday he has already set aside my "mercies" for the day.
2. I thank Him for his never-ending forgiveness.
3. I thank him for being patient, because even though I know my sins sometimes it is so hard to change your ways, and everyday is a struggle.

Kris and I just had a conversation the other night that brought me to tears. I always feel like I'm not good enough in anything and everything that I do. Kris' Uncle passed away unexpectedly and my mind just started going 80 different directions...

Are my parents true Christians, or do they just go to church because they think it's the "right" thing to do? Can I call myself a true Christian because everday I struggle with sin? Am I leading the life that I should be leading so that my children can see God in me? And on and on and on...

I have struggles everyday and I am so thankful that He is there to support me every time I stumble.

Leah said...

nobody is Perfect. and Yes We are Christians but We all Make Misstakes (if am I making since here)