Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Hearts Beyond the Veil

Day Two: A Room With a View

One of the things (and I think I've mentioned this before) I am loving about this study is discovering all the many ways the Old Testament points to Jesus - how all of scripture is intricately interwoven together. It's mindboggling to realize just how divinely inspired God's Word is. Beth Moore said it best: "...God's Word is so perfect I can hardly fathom it." Exactly.

Today's study was no different. We looked at the significance of the four walls surrounding the holy of holies likening them to the Gospels, and the four very different perspectives they give regarding the life of Jesus. Pretty amazing, huh? Each one gives a close look at a specific aspect of Jesus - servant, King, human yet God, God yet human. A perfect four-sided view.

I always get a little goosebumpy when I think of how relevant the bible is and has always been. It addressed cultures that lived thousands of years ago and is able to address the cultures of today. Humans have not changed much over the years. We're still struggling with the same issues. How great is our God that he inspired four very different Gospels so that all people can come to know Jesus in a way they relate to and understand?

Beth Moore suggested one more representation for the four walls surrounding the holy of holies: Christ's love for us. It is deep. It is wide. It is long. It is high. Nothing we do can separate us from His love (Romans 8:39). It encompasses and covers everything. Do you feel that? Do you believe that? My prayer is that you can. That you will choose to "experience Him in His fullness" and by doing this "know this love that surpasses all knowledge - that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God." (Ephesians 3:19)

At the end of today's lesson, Beth Moore gave some scriptures (Psalm 40:2, Isaiah 55:9, Jeremiah 29:11, Romans, 8:28, and Philippians 3:14). Spend some time pondering each of these. Which one do you feel most addresses your current circumstances? Why?


Sarah said...

Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

This was the verse that I felt spoke to me the most. I constanly worry about the future and try to put matters into my own hands. This causes me much unneeded stress and anxiety! But knowing that God really does have a plan for me, and plan that will not harm me is so reassuring! I really struggle with not turning everything over to him because I think I can "fix" everything myself. This is far from the truth and this study is helping me come to grips with that.

He is the way, the truth, and the LIFE!!!

Meghan said...
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Meghan said...

Sarah...we are so similar in this way as you know! I'm laughing because this is the verse that spoke to me the most also...I am a master worrier - about everything and anything and about what the future holds most of all! Waay back when we were in the throes of our trying to get pregnant debacle, I was taking a shower one morning feeling super crazily desperate and really at the end of my rope with the situation, and God spoke this verse into my heart! The peace I felt about what was to come (whatever that was going to be) after this experience was awesome. I was able to let. it. go. So...I cling to this verse continuously - especially when I feel like I'm going to lose my mind with anxiety - which is actually quite often honestly. And especially right now when our future seems so...unknown. It's like a mantra I say over and over to myself! I agree wholeheartedly with you - knowing that God does have a plan and that this plan is not going to harm me is incredibly reassuring. I don't have to worry about anything because He's in control.