Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting convenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.
Genesis 9:16
I have read the story of Noah before, but for some reason I felt Day 2: A Perfect Heart plucking away at my very own heart as I read it yesterday. The rainbow is the perfect symbol of the everlasting convenant that God gave as a gift to every living creature. And I just have to say it's a beautiful gift. How many of you will never look at a rainbow the way you used to? I know I won't!
It's so funny....I was thinking the same thing as I was doing the study yesterday! Rainbows will seem much more significant from now on...I don't think I've ever taken the time to really ponder their significance before!
rainbows are such a beautiful and amazing thing anyway! isn't it so cool how God, after having destroyed what he originally made perfect and we screwed up, he then makes a covenant with man(there's that pursuing thing again!) and he doesn't stop there! he makes something beautiful and awesome--a rainbow--as the sign of the covenant! his power and goodness is awesome!!!!
I was really challenged by Noah's person--that he chose to walk with God in the midst of a depraved generation. And then, Joshua's stand for him and his family to serve the Lord and no other god. We don't need the perfect circumstances to follow God closely--we just need hearts devoted to him. That's really good for me, b/c I tend to blame my struggles on my surroundings. Yikes.
That resonated with me too. Like you, I tend to often blame struggles on my surroundings. Sometimes I think that my life has to be just so...that I'll wait for everything to be perfect and in order...THEN I'll be able to pursue a relationship with Him. So crazy! And so unrealistic - when will things ever be perfect?! And so not what He asks of us! I'm praying for the courage to follow Him with my whole heart right now no matter what - to just let go and pursue Him as devotedly as He is pursuing me!
I may have a different version of the book you guys are doing, so forgive me if my quote is off, but I don't think anything I read this week spoke so clearly to me as when Moore wrote, "Committing to His lordship on Easter, at revivals, on even every Sunday is not enough. We must choose this day--and every day--whome we will serve. This deliberate act of the will is the inevitable choice between HABITUAL FELLOWSHIP and HABITUAL FAILURE (my emphasis)." Ouch! That's a pretty potent reminder that I must choose him EVERY day. I needed to be reminded of that this week/month/year. It seems like I haven't been so great at choosing Him daily. In fact, I feel a bit like Adam and Eve hiding in the garden while God was looking for them. I'm grateful to you all for this opportunity to get back on track!
kista, i'm so glad you're doing this study with us!... your insights have always been so encouraging and helpful to me!... and you're right, what a great reminder--choosing Him... every day, every minute! we all need to be reminded of that!!
I don't know if this would make sence with what We are talking about. But Aug 26th. I had Surgery. I guess the Point I am trying to Make is that I am Bad at Praying and leaving My Worries and Nervouses up to God! with whatever is going on in My life weather it be a Small thing or a Big thing like Surgeries and Health Issues.
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